Mi associo al movimento del ♥ the new John Locke...
Ormai questa serie si permette dei duetti comici da paura. In pole positon la rodatissima accoppiata J&B (Locke&Linus) se la spadroneggia aiutata da dialoghi sopraffini... "I was hoping that you and I could talk about the elephant in the room. " e roba del genere...
Seguita dalla new couple, o dovrei forse dire The Odd Couple: Miles&Hurley, una vera forza della natura..."Why? We're going to the same place. Why don't we carpool? It'll help with global warming, which hasn't happened yet, so maybe we can prevent it. ...Wait a sec. Are you on some kind of secret mission?"
Ormai questa serie si permette dei duetti comici da paura. In pole positon la rodatissima accoppiata J&B (Locke&Linus) se la spadroneggia aiutata da dialoghi sopraffini... "I was hoping that you and I could talk about the elephant in the room. " e roba del genere...
Seguita dalla new couple, o dovrei forse dire The Odd Couple: Miles&Hurley, una vera forza della natura..."Why? We're going to the same place. Why don't we carpool? It'll help with global warming, which hasn't happened yet, so maybe we can prevent it. ...Wait a sec. Are you on some kind of secret mission?"
mi mancano le ultime due puntate... 5° serie da paura comunque...
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