bella per Spino che sgama in 4 e 4 otto: The Princess Bride FunFacts: nella foto Wallace Shawn e Mandy Patinkin.
Shawn earned some of his best early notices partnered with theatre director/actor Andre Gregory in the unique Louis Malle-directed film My Dinner with Andre (1981). Shawn co-wrote the improvisatory, humanistic piece and his brother, Allen Shawn, was the composer. Shawn and Gregory would collaborate again for Malle in another superb, original-concept film Vanya on 42nd Street (1994).
Patinkin says that of all the roles he's played in his career, "Inigo Montoya", from The Princess Bride (1987) is his absolute favourite. Fans of The Princess Bride (1987) frequently attend his live performances just to hear him utter the famous line, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." He frequently includes it towards the end of the show.
la storia fantastica! minchia che film
Il film è "Princess Bride" (Inigo Montoya!!)
Raising Arizona? il bambino con la scritta 'fart'
La storia fantastica
Il Bambino che scoreggiava
Il cane lupo contro il cane pastore
bella per Spino che sgama in 4 e 4 otto: The Princess Bride
FunFacts: nella foto Wallace Shawn e Mandy Patinkin.
Shawn earned some of his best early notices partnered with theatre director/actor Andre Gregory in the unique Louis Malle-directed film My Dinner with Andre (1981). Shawn co-wrote the improvisatory, humanistic piece and his brother, Allen Shawn, was the composer. Shawn and Gregory would collaborate again for Malle in another superb, original-concept film Vanya on 42nd Street (1994).
Patinkin says that of all the roles he's played in his career, "Inigo Montoya", from The Princess Bride (1987) is his absolute favourite. Fans of The Princess Bride (1987) frequently attend his live performances just to hear him utter the famous line, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." He frequently includes it towards the end of the show.
"Dumb & Dumber"?
che azzecca Raising Arizona secondo film quest'oggi del 1987.
IlReciondivo, grazie per il contributo.
buco nell'acqua per Grace... ATTENZIONE!!!
cmq Dumb&Dumber è già stato usato in questa sede
l'artista dovrebbe essere Beuys, in "I Like America and America Likes Me" del 1974 quando è rimasto per tre giorni solo col coyote!
BiiiiiiiiiiiiNGO! Fuoritempo si catta sto punto + extra come se niente fosse... (un po' ci contavo)
eppure grande puffo l'ho già visto...
Grande Puffo mi sa da film tipo Mamma ho perso l'aereo
mmmmblemumble... o forse no?
aiutano time?
siamo sicuri che sia nece-ssario l'aiu-Tano?
tutti e tre le immagini del MixFrame provengono da Raising Arizona...
Classy-Fìka del Quiz per Cerebrolesi:
Grace: 49
Spino: 24
Dirk Diggler: 18,5
Heavyhorse: 17
Fuoritempo: 11
Zeno: 10
Weltall: 8
Byron: 5
Morgenstern 4,5
Tob Waylan: 4
mmorbo: 4
newbie: 1
Gizzo: 1
Kekkoz: 1
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